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YES! There are a huge number of juggling clubs, groups, and organisations all over the world. Each year there are juggling conventions held in exotic and exciting places. For more details on what organisations exist, try searchingthe Web with Google, Ask Jeeves or Dogpile (of course you can use your own favourite search engine).
You can also check out the links page here for more specific information.

Here is where you'll find answers to the most commonly asked questions about juggling and the Thud Juggling Kit. If you have a question which isn't answered here, then email us at
and we'll not only answer your question, we'll also send you a free set of instructions teaching you five more juggling tricks.
PO Box 14-307, Wellington, New Zealand
Phone: 04.938.0647
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
PO Box 14-307, Wellington, New Zealand
Phone: 04.938.0647
Here is where you'll find answers to the most commonly asked questions about juggling and the Thud Juggling Kit. If you have a question which isn't answered here, then email us at
and we'll not only answer your question, we'll also send you a free set of instructions teaching you five more juggling tricks.

What is Juggling?
The first historical record of juggling can be traced as far back as the Egyptians more than 4000 years ago. Juggling is the ancient skill of keeping more objects in the air than you have hands. The dictionary in the MBTM office lists juggling as meaning 'to manage, organise, cope with, deal with.
MORE BALLS THAN MOST was founded in New Zealand in May1993 by two juggling businesspeople in pursuit of the very best that life has to offer. It's bsiness is the product of their discoveries.
What's So Special About The Balls?
Here at MORE BALLS THAN MOST, we've been manufacturing professional quality juggling balls for over eight years. But what does it take to make a REAL juggling ball?
  The skin for each ball comprises four seperate segments of brightly coloured stretch lycra which have been coated with a brightly coloured, high gloss finish. These four segments are then sewn together by highly trained mercenary seamsters who live in the dangerous twilight world of juggling manufacture.
  At this stage the juggling 'ball' is no more than an empty bag. It is then filled by a hugely complicated machine which looks like it's straight out of some mad Victorian scientist's lab.
  After that, the almost completed ball is hand sewn by a select group of artisans who guard the secret of their concealed stitching with their lives.

And you thought it was 'just a ball'....
Can't I Use Oranges, or Tennis Balls?
You can if you want, but then you'll quickly discover the difference between those and real juggling balls. Tennis balls are admittedly inexpensive, but they bounce when you drop them, and are too light for easy learning.
Oranges don't bounce, they tend more to go 'splat'. Assuming oranges cost about 50 cents each, and you want to juggle three of them for a year, then your juggling will cost you about $78. On top of that, your hands will get sticky.....
Go figure!
I'm Not Co-ordinated Enough To Learn
You think so?  If you can stand upright, if you can dress yourself in the morning, if you can work the remote for the TV, then you are over-qualified to learn juggling. (we've probably offended a few jugglers here).
Juggling is nothing to do with catching or your hands. The essence of juggling is accuracy formed through practice.  If you concentrate 100% on the accuracy of your throws and work on that part of your skill, the catch will happen for you.  Why?  Because you have a brain that does more calculations in a microsecond than any computer could ever do.
What Guarantee Do I Get Of Success?
If you think that you're clumsy, unco-ordinated (see above), or just generally inept, don't be put off. The Thud Juggling Kit contains a foolproof and (almost) guaranteed method for learning the three-ball cascade. We might not be able to guarantee that you'll juggle properly, but we WILL guarantee that you'll have a lot of fun in the process!
Are There Any Juggling Organisations?
YES! There are a huge number of juggling clubs, groups, and organisations all over the world. Each year there are juggling conventions held in exotic and exciting places. For more details on what organisations exist, try searchingthe Web with Google, Ask Jeeves or Dogpile (of course you can use your own favourite search engine).
You can also check out the links page here for more specific information.
How Can Juggling Improve My Life?
Juggling encompasses all of these concepts:
Sharing          Teaching          Learning          Relaxation          Physicality
Exercise          Spatial Awareness          Mental Stimulation
Meditation          Concentration          Physics          Mathematics
Showing Off          Contemplation          Ergonomics          Balance
Self Esteem          Stress Relief          Fun

What more could you want?